
If your version of ubuntu does not have the multiverse and universe repositories then you will need to add them:

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
wget {link to tar file}
tar -zxf {tar file}
cd smap/install
sudo ./

Edit the Apache config files:

This needs to be done to enable some security checks.   Edit smap.conf and smap-ssl.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available.  Replace all
occurences of {hostname} with the domain name that you will be using.  Or delete these rows.

If the installer asks "Which services should be restarted", click ok, accepting the default values.

After the installation script finishes you should be able to logon with your browser using:

ident: admin
password: admin

If you have not set up an https certificate yet then the connection will be via http and you will be asked to enter your password 4 times. Using https you will not have that problem. If you can access the server now you should prioritise the addition of an SSL certificate as using only http some features will not work.

Also if you are going to test using just an IP address then you will also need to edit the smap.conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-availablei to remove the three lines that check the hostname.

refer to (Network Encryption)

Using a different location

By default all files are installed under /smap in the root directory.

To use a different location, or a different drive, you can either add a symbolic link from /smap to that location or you do not want to put anything in the / directory then you can specify a different location at install time.

Logical link:

Before running install, or you can do it after installing and copy the contents of /smap to the new location
ln -s /smap /new location

Install to a custom location:

Before running install edit the script and set "filelocn" to the location that you want to use
Then run