
API Application Programming Interface. A URL that can be called by a program to get data or make an update.
Bundled Form A form that updates the same table of data as another form. Grouping surveys into bundles
Case A record of data that has a status can can be marked as closed.
Console A module on the server that allows the user to view and update data records.
Conversation A series of messages from and to SMS and WhatsApp about a case.
Excel Editor Using Excel to create and modify the definition of a survey so that it can be uploaded to the server.
Form An electronic form that can be filled in an app or a web browser to collect data.
JavaRosa A standard API for connecting data collection apps to servers that manage the collected data.
Online Editor An editor that can be used in a web browser to create and modify forms.
Oversight Form A Form that can be used in the Console to modify data.
Record Multiple data items that are created and updated together by a Form.
Role A name that can be attached to a user and a survey to control access rights.
Server A computer located in a data centre that provides a central location to store data.
Submit Send a completed form to the server
Survey The process of interviewing people and recording their responses. Sometimes the word is used to refer to just the questions used in that interview.
Survey Form A form containing questions used to complete a survey. "Form" on its own also has this meaning.
WebForm A form that is completed in a web browser.