

Entity relationship diagram showing task_group, tasks and assignments

Task Tables

There can be multiple tasks in a task group and multiple assignments for a task.

Task Group

Task groups are used to manage collections of tasks. They can also have rules that will automatically generate new tasks. A task group is associated with a project and each project can have many task groups.


A task has information about what has to be done such as:

  • The survey to complete
  • Initial data
  • When and where the task should be completed

There can be many tasks in a task group.


Assignments hold details on people who have been assigned to complete a task including:

  • Status
    • closed
    • cancelled
    • complete
    • deleted
    • submitted
    • error
    • rejected
    • pending
    • new
    • accepted
  • assignee. The user ident of the person assigned a task
  • email. The email address on the assignee if this is an email task.
  • action_link. The URL of assignment details to include in email tasks.